
We are proud of the products we offer. This is why we want to give you full satisfaction. The guarantee we offer covers all manufacturing defects or quality of the product, if it is used under normal conditions. The warranty for lighting and electrical products is limited to a period of 30 days of purchase (a reasonable period) within which time the product will be assessed for the quality of its original assembly. , it is not recommended to use our products outdoors. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear or the consequences of improper use of this product.

Damage caused by failure to follow operating instructions, improper use of the products, mechanical shock and chemical influences on the surface of products are excluded from the guarantee. The warranty is limited to the free repair of the defective product, or if repair is not possible, an exchange will be offered. In the case of the purchase of a product composed of several pieces, only the faulty item will be replaced.

We reserve the right to make the final decision as to the cause of the damage. For any complaint, please contact us as soon as possible by briefly summarizing the problem. Please attach photos or other documents if relevant. You must obtain a return authorization from us before sending any products for repair / replacement. All shipping costs for returning goods are the responsibility of the customer.